Monday, September 26, 2011

My last night on Earth

Let me tell you, Ima dance in syle.

First off my goal would be to go out with a bang.
Metaphorically speaking.

I want people to be broken.

Just joshin' you.

I would just sit on the couch with a TV in front playing all the rated R movies that I was never allowed to watch my whole life, but I wouldn't watch.

I would kill a man, with my hands.
preferably my two thumbs. 

Maybe I'd kill a Bear instead.

I would Touch but I wouldn't squeeze.

I'd make my story a love story.
but I won't be in love.

Buy a lion and name it willie.
ain't that silly?

Maybe make a film of myself doin everything.  You name it.



You know it.

It would win an oscar, an espy, all of the freakin' awards you can get.
It would win em'.

I'll be famous for an hour.

Go on, get out. get out.

Peace out Earth.


  1. "Metaphorically speaking." Nice touch.

  2. i guess the truth is good too. i love this. i think its hilarious. with a bit of serious? but not to much. its funny(:

  3. "..go out with a bang. Metephorically speaking." very good job. I was impressed at how much I caught myself laughing to myself during this. "Pooping? You know it." It's amazing.

  4. naming a lion willie would be super silly. do it!
