Monday, November 21, 2011

IP Man

Ordinary World-
Chinese Kung Fu Master, greater than all other kung fu masters.  Just wanting to live his life with his family
Call to Adventure-
WWII, Japanese takes over china and he tries to survive with his family.
Refusal of the call-
Japanese keep asking all Chinese to fight against Japanese soldiers and Ip man Refuses.  He avoids all violence until it is absolutely necessary.
Meeting the Mentor-
He was his own mentor.  He realized that he needs to fight to keep his family alive and to keep china itself alive.
Crossing the Threshold-
Goes from working to get rice to feed his family and himself to fighting to stand up for the Chinese and to protect his family.
Tests, Allies, Enemies-
His only allies are his brother and his workers. Enemies are the Japanese and a select few of the chinese who have betrayed their country.  He challenged the Japanese to fight 10 of the japanese soldiers and he kicked their a$$'s.
He teaches his brothers workers how to fight for themselves.  He realizes that he is the only one who can save the people.
He fought the Japanese leader/General and killed him with a his eyes closed, not really, but it was that easy.  He got shot by one of the Generals men and fell off of the stage.
He survived and moved to Hong Kong, started a school of martial arts there.  As a matter of fact he was Bruce Lee's Mentor. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Ordinary World

 Meet Oliver, A teenager of too much awkward, obsession of mustaches and craves attention. Every week day for 5 years he would wake up every morning to his Iphone 10 minutes before 7:20 when he was supposed to leave to school.  Every week day for 5 years Oliver would get a reminder by his Iphone to smile at atleast 20 of the 924 girls at his school.  Every week day for 5 years Oliver would grease his hair rather than parting it making it so that he could form it better throughout the day.  His Iphone thought it made him look like a Druggie, but didn't know how to tell him.  Every week day for 5 years Oliver would go to bed at approximately 11:45 setting his alarm for 10 minutes before 7:20, and placing it to rest on his nightstand.  That was of course before Friday.  On that particular Friday, Olivers Iphone, Changed everything.

During English that Friday, Olivers class was reading silently.  His Iphone then began to vibrate and project sounds that Oliver could not stop.  That is when he was able to shut it off.  He raised his head and gazed down the elongated hallway to focus on a woman.  He could tell that she had great beauty from a far, she must be new.  Disregarding what had just saw he went to step back into his class room, reaching for the handle his Iphone erupted again.  So Oliver stepped back to discontinue the trying sound.  He again looked up to see the beauty 20 feet walking towards him.  Oliver looked back down continuing to terminate the noise.  Back up to see her half the distance that she was. He smiled and waved,  smiling back she came up to him and asked "Hi, I'm new here, do you know where Mr. Nelson's room is for creative writing?'.  Olivers heart was pounding, and replied "No way, that's my class, follow me."
He escorts her to Mr. Nelson and sits down can't stop taking his eyes off of her.  She sits down in the empty seat next to Oliver.  She leans over to me saying, "My name is Siri, thanks for your help." Oliver answers saying, "So do you want to go out sometime?" as he is pulling out his Iphone.  Siri looks at his face with hesitancy, looks down and see's his Iphone, smiles and lookes back up and replies...

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Flower - Moby
In the basement with your chick, this song comes on.  The only thing that feels right is bust out a rhyme.  so you flow it.  Your girl realizes that you live in a poem and leaves you.  you don't care, keep bustin the rap.
Dear God - Monsters of Folk
Youre walking down the slums of SLC, its raining.  A man pulls up an a black car gets out and messes with you, time slows, where are you God? Pleading, begging for help.  Blessings come in.
Sweet Darlin'- She & Him
Walking through a field of corn, girl walks up to you and holds you.  You don't want a girlfriend, you tell her no.  She sings to you, I need you. you give in. You love eachother, the story is over.